Victory In Every Fall: The Antaeus Approach to Overcome Disabilities

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What if your greatest challenges could become your greatest strengths?

Life has a way of knocking us down – sometimes lightly, sometimes with a force so brutal we wonder if we’ll ever rise again. But what if the very falls that leave us broken also contain the seeds of our greatest transformation?


In Victory in Every Fall, Kurt Warner, LMSW, draws inspiration from the Greek myth of Antaeus – a giant who gained strength each time he touched the earth. Like Antaeus, Warner shows us that every time life knocks us down, we have the opportunity to rise even stronger. Through five deeply personal and life-altering experiences – a traumatic brain injury, severe OCD, bipolar disorder, profound grief, and chronic back pain – Warner reveals how each “fall” was not an end, but the beginning of something powerful.


With raw honesty and vivid storytelling, Warner demonstrates how adversity can become the source of unforeseen strength. He shares how, by embracing the struggles that seemed to overwhelm him, he found resilience, empowerment, and ultimately, triumph. His story is a testament to the Antaeus approach: when we hit rock bottom, we can find new strength by grounding ourselves in the struggle and using it as a foundation for growth.


This is more than a memoir of survival – it’s a guide to overcoming even the most overwhelming obstacles. Whether you’re battling illness, mental health challenges, or personal loss, Victory in Every Fall offers more than hope – it offers a roadmap for transforming pain into power and weakness into wisdom.


Falling is inevitable. But what comes after is up to you. Will you stay down? Or will you rise, like Antaeus, stronger than ever before?

About the author

Kurt Warner

Kurt Warner graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in English literature from King’s College in Pennsylvania and graduated with a master’s in social work from Binghamton University. He won both of the English awards in his class and has been published in the King’s College literary magazine, Disability in Society, Cortland Standard newspaper and Same Time Next Week: True Stories of Working through Mental Illness. Warner was the writer for the Mental Health Association of Cortland County and is currently working as a psychotherapist with individuals struggling with mental health issues.

Other Works

Click below to view other works from Kurt.

Same Time Next Week - Contributing Writer

The Dictator in My Head

Kurt was a contributing writer in this book. He wrote a chapter called: The Dictator in My Head.

Disability & Society Journal

Mentalism, disability rights and modern eugenics in a ‘brave new world’

Kurt also co-wrote a published article in Disability & Society, titled: Mentalism, disability rights and modern eugenics in a ‘brave new world’


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